Monday, 28 July 2014


Hi, I'm Julie! You might remember me, although it has been an entire year since my last post, so then again maybe not... ;-)

I've really been aching to get back into blogging for a bit now, but when I realised that the one year anniversary of my last post was coming up fast, I decided to wait just that little bit longer. I like symmetry and patterns in things, what can I say?!

And what a year it's been! There's been a new job, a new house (and housemate), a BIG birthday, holidays, plays and lots of good times with family and friends. I'm going to leave things here as there's so much to catch up on and I don't have nearly enough time to do it justice now (I'm writing this in my break at work!) but I promise that I'll be back very soon with the first installment of what I'm sensing will be an epic recap!

'Til next time...