Thursday, 31 December 2009
Last Post of 2009: Survey of the Year
Album of the year. What’s rocking your world?
Well, I really think I'm going to have to choose 2! An album I bought this year and loved has been "Do You Want The Truth or Something Beautiful?" by Paloma Faith. But there's also an album that I bought last year, which I've completely fallen in love with during 2009, and that's Sara Bareilles' "Little Voice".
What’s the best change you made to the place you live?
Tidying and decluttering my room!
When did you get your best rush of the year?
Oooh, this is a tricky one...probably when I got a letter inviting me for a job interview after months of applying with no success!
Best packaging. Did your headphones come in a sweet case? See a bottle of tea in another country that stood off the shelves?
What a random question! I can't think of any packaging that's stood out this year...although I loved the wrapping paper that the earrings I won came in!
Tea of the year. I can taste my favorite tea right now. What’s yours?
Yorkshire Tea or Twinings English Breakfast...I love tea!
Project. What did you start this year that you’re proud of?
Restarting driving lessons after a gap of 7 years!
What did you do in 2009 that you’d never done before?
Travelled to mainland Spain, started a blog, did a 5K charity race (walk!)...I'm sure there's more but I can't think of them right now!
Did you keep your New Years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I'm pretty sure that I made 2. The first was to have a healthier lifestyle, and it worked to a point. I went to the gym on a regular basis, tried to eat healthier snacks and lost a little weight. But then sometime over the course of the year, I lost my way. The second was to learn to drive...and as you can tell from one of the answers above, it's a work in progress! I will make more resolutions for next year, and I'll reveal them tomorrow in my first post of 2010!
Did anyone close to you give birth?
My friend N, and also my best friend from primary school, who now lives in Texas.
Did anyone close to you die?
Not a person...but my cat who we had for almost 20 years sadly passed away at the end of July.
What countries did you visit?
What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
A full time, long term or permanent job and more money!
What dates from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
January friend N gave birth to her son H
December friends G and L got married
What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Getting 2 interviews in the space of about 2 or 3 weeks...even if I didn't get either of the jobs!
What was your biggest failure?
Still failing to untangle myself from past hangups...I think 2010 should be the year where I let go once and for all!
Did you suffer illness or injury?
Nothing major...I was hospitalised for a day in October with bad stomach pains, which thankfully haven't recurred and had a few colds and bugs, but that's about it!
What was the best thing you bought?
My gorgeous black patent ribbon tie shoes!
Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
I don't think that appalled and depressed are necessarily the right words,but I've been rather disappointed by the behaviour of 2 friends who seem to be lacking in empathy and consideration at the moment...their selfishness is really not what I would have expected of them.
Where did most of your money go?
Driving lessons, bills and keep, bus and taxi fares, shopping, alcohol and Starbucks!
What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Job interviews, seeing friends, my birthday, Christmas!!
What song will always remind you of 2009?
I've Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed Peas
Compared to this time last year, you are:
i. happier or sadder? About the same
Thinner or fatter? Slightly thinner
Richer or poorer? Poorer
What do you wish you’d done more of?
Exercising, driving, listening
What do you wish you’d done less of?
Worrying, thinking about the past
How will you be spending Christmas / Hanukkah?
I’ve already spent it!
What was the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in 2009?
I can't remember...but there will have been loads, I'm really clumsy and so un-coordinated!
Did you fall in love in 2009?
Yes...with my friend's beautiful son H and my gorgeous ribbon tie shoes!
How many one-night stands?
None...I'm a good girl, I am!
What was your favorite TV programme?
House and the X Factor
Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
I don't think I hate anyone...I dislike some people and/or their behaviour, but I wouldn't go so far as to say I hated them!
What was the best book you read?
I'm struggling to think of a book I read all the way through...but I enjoyed "I Heard That Song Before" and "Let Me Call You Sweetheart" by Mary Higgins Clark
What was your greatest musical discovery?
Paloma Faith and Little Boots
What did you want and get?
Job interviews, a great birthday and Christmas and lots of fabulous clothes and accessories!
What did you want and not get?
A long term/permanent full time job
And that's my 2009 in survey form! Hope everyone has had a good year, or if not, at least one they can learn from and build on. And I hope that everyone has a fab NYE whatever they're doing...I'm hopefully heading to a friend's house party for fun and frolics! So all that's left to say is bye bye 2009...I'll see everyone in 2010!
Monday, 28 December 2009
My Christmas Weekend
- Thursday (Christmas Eve)
I was invited round to my friends' house for the evening, and like any good guest didn't want to turn up empty handed. So I decided to bake some gingerbread. I found a recipe, collected all my ingredients and equipment and off I went...fully expecting it to be a quick job. Nearly 2 hours later, I realised that it wasn't! Whilst the end result tasted fab (if I do say so myself!), there's definitely things I'd do differently next time! Firstly, I'd try to be tidier in the kitchen...I got flour absolutely everywhere and left a trail of treacle across the table...oops! Secondly, I'd about halve the quantities in the recipe, as it made way more biscuits than I was expecting! I swear that the dough was magic, as I was cutting out for ages! However, the upside was that I was able to fill a tin with biscuits for home, as well as one for my friends. I definitely think that I'll make a tradition of baking gingerbread at next year, I might even feel confident enough to decorate it!
Once I packed the gingerbread up, I headed over to my friends' house. Most of my other friends dropped by at some point during the evening too and we had fun eating and drinking, playing Pictionary or "pictuary" as my friend M wrote on the board we used (!) and adding our own storyline to "Swan Lake" (don't ask!)! All the guests left by about 11:00 pm to allow N and M to set up their living room for was their son H's first, and he had mountains of presents waiting to be put out!
- Friday (Christmas Day)
After waking up every hour or 2 in the night, I finally got up around 7:00, along with the rest of my family and had great fun emptying my stocking and opening all my presents. As usual I was throroughly spoilt! I got House Season 5, PJs, a scarf, lipglosses and money off my mum and dad, a CKIn2U fragrance set off my brother and bracelets and Thorntons chocolates off my sisters. Off my friends I got the Lady Gaga and Radio 1 Live Lounge CDs, some FCUK smellies, Ice Age 3 on DVD, a bracelet, a wine and chocolate gift set and some sweets! Plus I had a giant stocking and presents and vouchers off family friends! Told you I was spoilt!! My grandad and uncle came round about 11, and we exchanged gifts, then had Christmas dinner. After dinner, we played a couple of board games that my sisters had got and chilled for a couple of hours. The rest of my day was spent eating, watching tv (I saw Doctor Who and cried...I'm such a softie!) and generally soaking up the Christmas atmosphere. It was a lovely day, with not a single argument and the only bad thing was that it went by so quickly!
- Saturday (Boxing Day)
I spent the morning and early afternoon relaxing...trying out some of my new smellies, listening to some of my new CDs and playing games with my family. Then I got a call from one of my friends inviting me to go out for tea with them and some of my other friends. We went to a local pub for food, then back to my friends' N, M and S's house where we sang karaoke and played more was a lovely chilled out evening, made all the nicer as I hadn't been expecting to go anywhere.
- Sunday
I didn't really do much, as Aunt Flo had just arrived and I wasn't at my best. I listened to more CDs, played more games, watched a couple of episodes of House and browsed the net, whilst contending with belly ache for most of the time :-(
- Monday
My sister Amy and I went to see Sherlock Holmes which was absolutely fantastic!! Maybe I've just not got a very good memory, but I'd say it's definitely one of my films of the year! It had it all...action, comedy, adventure and eye candy!! Plus some of it was filmed in Manchester, so it was fun trying to spot the locations they used! After the cinema, I spent the rest of the day relaxing at home.
As for the next few days, luckily I've still got at least until next Monday off, and whilst I've not got any definite plans, I hope to be doing some shopping, catching up with my best friend J and going to a New Year's Eve party at the very least!
All that remains to say is that that was my weekend...hope you had as good a time as I did and that whether you're working or relaxing this week, have a great one!
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Merry Christmas everyone!
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Highs and Lows of the Week
- School Holidays: The schools broke up last Friday and I don't go back to work until at least the 4th of January. As I've not got a full time job yet, it means that I won't have any work to do over the next 2 weeks and can hopefully just sit back, relax and enjoy Christmas!!
- Good company and good food: Last weekend, I spent Saturday and Sunday nights with some of my closest friends. On Saturday evening, I went round to a friend's where a few of us treated ourselves to a Christmas curry takeaway and watched Love Actually, which really got us into the Christmas spirit, even if some parts were sadder than I remember (Emma Thompson's storyline and the part where Andrew Lincoln holds up the signs both made me well up :-( ). Sunday night was even better...about 15 of us got together and went for a Christmas meal at a local pub. There was lots of eating, drinking and conversation, as well as wearing party hats, pulling crackers and blowing party blowers (we were SO mature!) and the evening went by in a flash. We also exchanged Secret Santa gifts...I'm really impatient to see what mine are, but can have a good guess by the shape lol!
- Snow: After being disappointed earlier in the week, the snow finally arrived on Saturday. Although the first snowfall was washed away by heavy rain, we then had more overnight and well into Sunday. I can't remember the last time we had so much snow that actually stuck in Manchester and I loved seeing the children playing out and how pretty everything looked.
- Birthdays: As I mentioned last week, it was my sister Amy's 16th birthday on the 16th of December and I was really happy to be able to celebrate with her.
- Bad skin: I've never had a perfect complexion by any means, but lately I seem to be getting spots and blemishes on my face that just aren't shifting! I think I'm going to have to be on the lookout for some new skincare products, because the ones I've got don't seem to be doing their job at the moment. Have you got any recommendations for any effective (but affordable!) products I could try?
- Forgetfulness: I went shopping to Primark last Thursday, and it was only when I got to the till that I realised that I'd forgotten my card and I didn't have that much cash on me. As a result, I was only able to buy the essentials I needed, as I also had to buy a Secret Santa present and a hot drink as I was freezing! Not my proudest moment, especially as I felt really embarrassed at the till when the sales assistant had to void items as I couldn't afford them!
- No work=no pay: I know I've already mentioned that I'm looking forward to the next couple of weeks off work, but I'm not looking forward to the prospect of at least 2 weeks without pay (as a supply teacher, I only get paid for days I work, not year round). Christmas and driving lessons as well as other more frivolous spending have really eaten into my bank account over the last few months, and I think one of my goals for 2010 will definitely have to be to be more careful with my money and keep a more detailed record of my spending!
So there's my highs and lows for another week! Hope you had a good one too, and that you enjoy the Christmas week ahead! :-)
Friday, 18 December 2009
Christmas Survey
1. Egg nog or hot chocolate:
Hot chocolate...especially a special hot chocolate from the Manchester Christmas Markets with Baileys or Cointreau in. Although I've never tried egg nog so I suppose I can't make a fair comment!
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
Both! When I was small, my parents bought me presents which my Mum wrapped and then sent to Santa for him to deliver on Christmas Eve, but I also got some surprises off him which he must have wrapped himself!
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?
Either or both...we have both this year and I don't have a preference either way.
4. Do you hang mistletoe?
No...but I wouldn't mind using it if there was a hot guy around!
5. When do you put your decorations up?
Usually the first weekend in December, although sometimes it's a little later.
6. What is your favorite holiday dish?'s so hard to choose! Mince pies are lovely though, so I think I'll go for those.
7. Favorite holiday memory as a child?
I don't have any particular memories...I just remember always being really excited and waking up at stupid o'clock to open my presents!
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
I was about 10 or 11, and my mum told me.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
Nope...unless I receive one then, then I probably would!
10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
Lights, then tinsel, then baubles and other decorations. We've gathered a really big collection over the years, including some which belonged to my Nana and our first Christmas ornaments. I have a bauble, my brother has a metal plaque, my sister Amy has a baby in a cradle and my other sister has a rocking horse. Decorating the tree is a family effort but my mum, sisters and I do most of it.
11. Snow. Love it or dread it?
Love it...I'm really jealous of the areas of the UK that got lots during yesterday evening and last night; we just got a little dusting! It does look pretty though!
12. Can you ice skate?
Very,very, VERY badly!
13. Do you remember your favorite gift ever?
I actually can't...I've had lots of great gifts over the years! I'd have to say my first TV for my room was pretty high up there, as was a cuddly "Po" teletubby (don't ask!).
14. What's the most important thing about the holidays for you?
Spending time with family and friends, and seeing people's faces when they open their presents. Plus getting a load of presents for myself of course!! ;-)
15. What is your favorite holiday dessert?
See number 6...although I also love mini party desserts like mini donuts and chocolate eclairs
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Having my Grandad and Uncle over for Christmas dinner...I love it when we're all together :-)
17. What tops your tree?
A star, although it has been an angel in the past.
18. Do you prefer giving or receiving?
Now, this is where the little angel and devil on my shoulders have a furious row! The angel's saying "Giving's what Christmas is all about" and the devil's shouting back "Don't be so ridiculous! Receiving's far better, you moron!" So, I'm going to have to declare it a draw...both are good in different ways.
19. Candy canes: Yuck or yum?
"Candy Canes?! Are you mocking me??" The real answer is "Yum!"
20. Favorite Christmas show?
I don't know if I have a favourite Christmas show, but I enjoy watching lots of the Christmas specials that are on TV. Favourite films are a different story...I love "Elf", "Love Actually" and "The Holiday".
21. Saddest Christmas song?
Sad as in boo hoo or sad as in just plain bad?? "Do they know it's Christmas" makes me sad because of the video, and "Mad World" (not really a Christmas song, but it was Christmas No. 1) because it's just so depressing!
22. What is your favorite Christmas song?
Top 3 are: "Fairytale of New York", "Santa Baby" and "Last Christmas" but there are loads more that I love too!
So that's my Christmas! Why don't you give the survey a go too!
Thursday, 17 December 2009
What's-in-my-wardrobe: Sparkling Sequins
First up is one of my more casual sequinned tops:



Black All-Over Sequin Shift
This was another George at Asda buy, bought during the last sequin trend a couple of winters ago. I was on the lookout for a sequinned dress, and spotted this at half price in the sale. As well as it being really pretty, I was also attracted by the fact that it was also really light to wear and easy to take off , unlike another dress I'd tried! If I wear it as a dress, I either wear it with black opaques or leggings and some black heels to finish the outfit off. However, as the shift is quite short, I sometimes belt it with a wide waist belt and wear it as a top instead. If I do this I team it with skinny jeans and either heels or knee high boots.

All over Sequinned Butterfly Tunic
I bought this from a shop called Select and it was absolutely love at first sight! Plus I must have been fated to have it because there was only one left in my size! This is definitely the glitziest item of clothing I own, and I love it for its sparkle, as well as for its individuality...I haven't seen anything like it in any other shop (although I did see someone wearing it once...lucky I wasn't too!) I also like the fact that it has an all over design...I think it's nice that as much work has gone into the back as the front! As this is such a special dress, I think it deserves to be worn for a special occasion, and I'm planning for it to make its debut at my birthday night out next month. Because it's so detailed, I think I'm going to let it pretty much speak for itself and will probably wear it with my black extra opaques and black ribbon tie heels and just the jewellery I'm wearing in the picture. What do you think?
Hope you enjoyed this glimpse into my wardrobe...haven't decided what my next post in the series will be yet, so if you've any ideas...let me know!
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Happy Birthday!!

She's a gifted comedian, with aspirations to be an actress and knows more random facts than almost anyone else I know! On the whole, I think she's got great taste in music (we both love Michael Buble and Maroon 5) and TV, and I love the trips we take to the cinema and up will most probably be "Sherlock Holmes" in the Christmas holidays! We do have our differences though...for example, she's about the least girly girl I know, not having worn a dress since she was old enough to choose her own clothes and taking no interest whatsoever in makeup! And that's Amy; all that's left for me to say is that I love her lots and I hope that she has a fantastic day, even if her 16th is making me feel very old!!
And secondly, celebrating a birthday which is a bit larger than 16 is my best friend J. I first met J on the bus we used to get to high school. I was about 12 when we met, she was a year older and we've been best friends ever since. I've celebrated many of her birthdays with her; the most memorable ones include her 16th where I went to my first ever concert and slept over at hers afterwards and her 18th when her parents hired a function room at a local pub, and being unused to alcohol, I got drunk really quickly but still had a fantastic time, as did she! However, as we've got older, things have changed. She moved about 2 hours away to attend university, and, over 8 years on, she's still happily settled there, meaning that we only see each other about 3 or 4 times a year. Despite that, our friendship is still going strong, and I was touched and honoured when she asked me to be her chief bridesmaid last year, even though she has a whole group of close friends in her new(ish) town. And in the same way, I know that if there comes a time when I'm picking bridesmaids, she'll be the first on my list!
So Happy Birthday J! You're one of the most caring and passionate people I know, and a true individual! I also love the fact that you've never lost your sense of fun and your quirky sense of humour despite the fact you're now a grown up, and I'm happy that you've found a husband who shares that with you :-) Hope that you have a fantastic birthday and am looking forward to hopefully seeing you over the Christmas holidays! :-)
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Spot the difference!
And as for difference number 2...well, can you spot it?? Everyone who guesses correctly will win a prize! Well , technically at least. It won't be an actual physical prize...just a lovely warm feeling inside that inevitably comes with the sense of enormous satisfaction that you feel when you get the right answer! :-)
Monday, 14 December 2009
Monday Monday
Well, it's Monday and my day has mainly been spent:
- not's the last week of term, so I was expecting it to be quieter than usual. I do have a half day booked for tomorrow, but that's it so far.
- on the Internet...Facebook (I'm currently addicted to Cafe World!) and Blogger have been my main websites of choice today!
- being domesticated...I made this dessert:

(nothing too complicated, just mandarin oranges on a biscuit crust...basically a cheesecake without the cheese!)
- I also washed up, and cleared my summer clothes out of my wardrobe and put them away for the winter!
- and listening to the songs of the day have been Tik Tok by Kesha, Bad Romance by the Gaga, Whatcha Say by Jason Derulo and Fairytale of New York by The Pogues and Kirsty MacColl
This is what I've been wearing:

Black and charcoal 2 in 1 pinafore : Lime at Next, Black leggings: Peacocks, Grey boots: Rocket Dog via Amazon, Watch: Present, Pearl bracelet with butterfly detail: Primark, Diamond cluster ring: Asda (present off my Mum and Dad for my 21st)
(Except for this morning, when I was wearing work trousers instead of leggings and black flats instead of my boots!)
After I post this...I'll be going to rehearsal for an hour, then spending the rest of my evening relaxing and getting my stuff ready for work tomorrow morning!
Tomorrow...I'll be posting another "What's in my Wardrobe" post, all about sequins. I know it'll be a day early but there are a couple of special things happening on Wednesday that I want to blog about then and I'd rather be early than late lol!So that's all for today! Hope you've had a great start to the week...and remember, only 4 days till the weekend! :-)
Sunday, 13 December 2009
She's Googling herself!
Type in "[your name] needs" in the Google search
Julie needs cards for hospital visit for transplant
(I really don't know what to say about this one except no I don't and I hope that the other Julie got what she needed)
Type in "[your name] looks like" in the Google search
Julie looks like an oriental version of Bridget Fonda
(I really don't...although I suppose it would be rather interesting!)
Type in "[your name] wants" in the Google search
Julie wants a job
(Yeah, that's SO true!!)
Type in "[your name] does" in the Google search
Julie does Japan
(Visiting Japan sounds pretty cool...maybe I will do one day)
Type in "[your name] hates" in the Google search
Julie hates, just what she doesn't know
(Now does this mean I hate things that I don't know or I don't know what I hate?? Confused much!!)
Type in "[your name] asks" in the Google search
Julie Asks - Am I an Adult Yet?
(This is something I often wonder...I think the answer is physically, yes but mentally, hell no!!)
Type in "[your name] likes" in the Google search
Julie likes silicon
(I can't honestly say I have strong feelings either way!)
Type in "[your name] eats" in the Google search
Julie Eats Babies
(Ewwww...that's horrible! I really, really am NOT a baby eater, well except for jelly babies!)
Type in "[your name] wears" in the Google search
Julie wears silk busk front corset and cross over frill skirt
(That outfit sounds pretty just imagining what it would look like!)
Type in "[your name] was arrested for" in the Google search
Julie was arrested for the crime of deliberately exposing children to porn
(I actually clicked on this result and felt really sorry for the Julie in the article. She was a substitute teacher and she was working in a school when a porn pop-up storm occurred on the computer. There was a whole dossier of evidence to show that there were a raft of technical errors that led to this happening...the IT department didn't keep anti malware software and content filters up to date, the school had no Internet security policy and the school administrators didn't provide internet training for teaching staff, meaning they were unable to respond in situations such as this and no proof that the teacher had introduced the porn herself. The situation was dealt with by the school district, but a few parents complained to police and Julie was arrested, and at the time the article was written (23rd February 2007), she was facing up to 40 years in prison. I'm unsure of the outcome but feel very uneasy about the story as a whole.)
"Type in "[your name] loves" in the Google search
Julie Loves Books
(Yeah, Google is speaking some truth there!)
So this is what Google says about me! Hope you've enjoyed's been mostly fun, but also illuminating for me at the same time. Why don't you give it a go?? This card needing, book loving, corset wearing, job wanting, baby eating(!) oriental Bridget Fonda lookalike (according to Google!) looks forward to reading it!
Saturday, 12 December 2009
Pointless nostalgic?
I'm nostalgic for:
- the excitement I felt when I was going out with my first real boyfriend and the openness of my heart back then. I wasn't the bitter cynic I am now; I was fuelled by happiness and and optimism about what the future would hold.
- the hours I used to spend on the Internet in my college lunchtimes: taking quizzes on emode, having my very own animals on Neopets and creating personalised email addresses on Although I suppose the domani wouldn't go down very well on CVs and application forms nowadays!
- listening to my music on a personal CD player or even a Walkman!
- my favourite chocolate orange lip balm from Boots...I've even tried to ebay this but can't find it anywhere!
- the way the Trafford Centre used to be...I used to be able to watch cheap movies in the morning, grab tuna mayo baguettes from my favourite sandwich bar, have a fantastic night out and soak up the atmosphere and individuality of the "Festival Village" market. Whilst I still love the place, the days of being able to do any of those things are long gone! :-(
- the time when my idea of dressing up for a night out was black trousers and a sparkly top...oh how times (and fashions!) have changed! That said, I'm still a magpie...I love glittery things!
- the thrill I got when being served alcohol underage (such a rebel lol!)
- being able to see my best friend J every week, instead of just a few times a year.
- a time when life was simpler, and seemed more certain... at 17 I thought I knew which direction my life would go in, now I don't have a clue!
However, I know I can't look back forever. As Michael Cibenko so neatly put it: "One problem with gazing too frequently into the past is that we may turn round to find the future has run out on us." And I know that's true. I may look back fondly to my times in college, but there are many things that I am grateful for now and things that I have to look forward to in the future. My family and friends and the enjoyment I get from spending time with them, my future career and relationships, plans for study and travel and the hope that eventually I'll fall in love, marry and have would be a crime if I let the past obscure the good that is now, and that is to come. That doesn't mean I'll stop the nostalgia, after all it's always good to reminisce, but I think I'll try and bring it down a notch from now on. After all, you never know what I could miss out on just because I wasn't looking in the the right direction!
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
What's in my wardrobe Wednesday - Beautiful bracelets and bangles (and a pair of earrings!)

Copper leather look bangle

Pearl triple string bracelet with butterfly detail

Brown and gold enamel bangle with diamante detail
This was a present from my mum and dad...although I'm not 100% what for! I'm sure it was something to do with my education...either passing exams or graduating from my degree or post grad course, but I just can't remember the exact occasion! I mainly love this as it's so unusual...I've never seen another like it, and it makes me feel really unique! The colours also fit in great with much of my wardrobe; I own lots of brown, beige, and neutral clothing and the bangle matches well with all of these.

have to force it over my hand when I put it on or take it off!

Gold effect bead bracelet with gold flower detail
I bought this from Dorothy Perkins to go with a black dress and black/gold clutch for an 80s themed murder mystery. Not only was this a real bargain in the sales, it also co-ordinates well with most of my wardrobe, meaning I'm never short of occasions to wear it.

Blue and grey multi gem bracelet with black enamel and diamante detail


Thursday, 3 December 2009
Anyway, yesterday I went for an interview. Unlike my previous interview that I posted about a couple of weeks ago, not many people knew about this one. Partly because I didn't want to get my expectations up, and also partly because the time scale was so short...I received an answerphone message and email on Monday afternoon, inviting me for interview and to teach a 30 minute lesson on Wednesday morning! So yesterday, I got suited and booted and went along to the school. I taught my lesson which I felt went ok, but not brilliantly and then had my interview, which included a couple of tricky questions, but nothing which left me completely lost! With the interview over, the head, and assistant head thanked me for coming and told me I'd find out their decision later that day.
And about four hours later the phone rang. I'd not been waiting by it all day (I'd done some Christmas shopping to kill time and had only recently returned home) but I was still eager to take the call. It was the headteacher, and she informed me that I...hadn't got the job. She offered feedback; said my lesson was good and gave me pointers on a couple of areas for improvement (things that I normally actually do when I teach, but seemed to have got lost in my nerves) and asked if they could keep my details on file. So far, so positive. But the thing that really got to me was the reason I didn't get the job...they went for a "more experienced" candidate. Now, I know I was trying to be positive about this situation a couple of weeks ago, so if you want to call me a hypocrite for moaning about it now, I won't'd be well within your rights to do so. But anyway, getting back on track, the reason I'm so annoyed is because there's nothing I can do about my lack of experience unless someone gives me a job! It's turning into a vicious circle: I don't have enough experience so I miss out on jobs, but because I can't get a job I can't get the experience I so desperately need! As strange as it sounds, I'd much rather someone tell me I wasn't a good enough candidate to get the job. There's 1001 ways I can become a better teacher: attending courses, reading books and official publications and applying their insights to my work, trying new things when I'm on supply, watching more experienced teachers and taking advice from them etc etc. But there's only one way I can gain more experience of being a full time class teacher, and that's by getting a job as one!
Suppose I've just got to keep on looking; as for every door that I knock on and get turned away, I must be getting closer to the one that will let me in. So hopefully you'll indulge me and allow me my little moan, promise I'll be more cheery soon! :-)